The Pazo de Liñares, located in the district of San Martiño de Prado (Lalín) is one of the most majestic country houses in the Region of Deza. Build at the end of the 17th century and start of the 18th century, it was the property of one of the great noble families of Galicia: the Taboadas.

After its abandonment and subsequent decline, it was completely restored: it was then declared a Good of Cultural Interest (Spanish abbreviation: BIC) in the year 2009, and since 2014 has been operating as a manifold of various initiatives. Under the name Liñares Space, it holds:

  • Galician Museum of Marioneta: the magical world of puppets and marionettes finds its place here. The only one of its kind in Galicia, this place relies on two exhibition halls and a specialized and very complete library.
  • Centro de Xestión do Coñecemento Arqueolóxico (CXCA): operates as an extension of the Pontevedra Museum, dealing with the process of cataloguing and studying of the numerous archeological findings within the Province of Pontevedra.

The CXCA has made Lalín a point of reference in research and, together with Castrodeza, works on divulging a broad wealth of Castrexa culture in the area through the realization of its educational visits. Here the visitors can see the works that have been carried out in the archeological laboratory and get to know their results through the visual representations of the remains that have already been processed.